
Information about your stay

Here you will find important information about your booking and your stay with us in the Zillertal. If you have any questions, you can reach us by telephone or by e-mail.

+43 5283 2265


Children's discount

Applies to a room with 2 full-paying people (age of the child at the time of departure):

Cancellation conditions

The right of cancellation according to § 18 par. 1 no. 10 FAGG does not apply but instead our cancellation conditions apply:

In case of late arrival or early departure we are entitled to charge the full agreed fee.

We know from experience that despite all your joyful vacation anticipation, something unexpected can happen. In order to save you trouble and cancellation costs, we recommend the "Hotelstorno Plus" insurance policy from Europäischen Reiseversicherung AG, which you can get online here:

Europäische Reiseversicherung

We will arrange insurance for you if you transfer the premium together with your deposit to us. 
Hotelstorno Plus insurance for your trip upon request.

Payment conditions

Account for deposits:
Account name: Hotel zum Pinzger GmbH Anzahlungen
IBAN: AT29 3633 2000 00005546
Routing number: 36332

By providing your information, you can pay the deposit by credit card (Visa, Mastercard). The remaining amount can be paid on-site by cash, EC card, or credit card (Visa, Mastercard).